The Emotional Series is a collection of magical objects crafted by the eccentric and mysterious Lazarus Pringle. These items are infused with the raw essence of various emotions, each one designed to evoke, amplify, or manipulate specific feelings in those who wield or encounter them. Rumor has it that Lazarus himself was a powerful empath, and these objects were his way of sharing his understanding of the human psyche with the world. However, these items are not without risk; while they can provide great power, they can also overwhelm or even control the user if they are not careful.
The Tear of Sorrow
Item Type: Wondrous Item (Uncommon, Requires Attunement)
A small, translucent sapphire droplet suspended in a glass vial. When held, the Tear of Sorrow feels slightly cold to the touch and radiates a faint blue light.
Weep of the Soul: When attuned, the user can focus on a target within 30 feet, forcing them to relive their most sorrowful memory. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are overwhelmed by sadness, gaining the Frightened condition and becoming incapacitated for 10 minute. On a success, they merely feel a deep melancholy, suffering a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute.
Empathic Resonance: The user can choose to take on the sorrow themselves, gaining temporary insight into the emotional state of creatures within 60 feet for the next hour. However, this also imposes disadvantage on all Charisma checks during this time due to the emotional burden.
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