The Emotional Series is a collection of magical objects crafted by the eccentric and mysterious Lazarus Pringle. These items are infused with the raw essence of various emotions, each one designed to evoke, amplify, or manipulate specific feelings in those who wield or encounter them. Rumor has it that Lazarus himself was a powerful empath, and these objects were his way of sharing his understanding of the human psyche with the world. However, these items are not without risk; while they can provide great power, they can also overwhelm or even control the user if they are not careful.
The Flame of Passion
Item Type: Weapon (Dagger, Rare, Requires Attunement)
A crimson dagger with a blade that appears to flicker like fire. The hilt is warm to the touch, and the blade seems to hum with energy when held.
Blazing Heart: The Flame of Passion deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. If the user is in love or deeply infatuated, this damage increases to 1d10.
Heat of the Moment: Once per day, the user can invoke the dagger’s power to enter a state of heightened passion for 1 minute. During this time, the user gains advantage on all attack rolls, but at the end of the duration, they suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
Fervent Strike: When attacking a creature that has recently harmed a loved one (within the last hour), the dagger deals an extra 2d6 fire damage.
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